Cultur will not charge any fee for the use of cell phones and tablets at tourist sites

Miércoles 19 de Junio de 2024

The fees for the use of devices, whether professional or not, in archaeological zones, are the responsibility of the Federal Government

Mérida, Yucatán, June 19, 2024. In response to the reports circulating in various media and on social networks about a new $60 fee at archaeological sites for taking photos with cell phones or tablets, this department wishes to make the following clarification: It is not within Cultur's powers to apply any fee for the use of the aforementioned mobile devices, as the archaeological sites are under the responsibility and custody of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). In the tourist stops, which are under our administration, no fee has ever been applied or will be applied for the use of cameras or any other device. It is well known that, for some years now, the collection of fees for the use of cameras or professional devices has been the responsibility of INAH, and according to information we have received, they will now charge $60 for the use of non-professional mobile devices such as cell phones or tablets. Therefore, for more information on this issue, it will have to be addressed with INAH.

Publicado por: Cultur

Notas Publicadas

They invite to report workplace violence that can cause serious health damage

Cultur employees were trained with a talk on this topic
Lunes 29 de Julio de 2024

Mérida, Yucatán, July 29, 2024. Cultur staff participated today in the talk "Workplace Violence" given by Lic. Aida María Borges Aguilar, Coordinator of the Ethics Committees of the General Comptroller's Office of the State of Yucatán (SECOGEY). In the event, which took place in room 2 of the Cines Siglo XXI, the speaker made it clear that anyone affected by this type of aggression, whether male or female, should approach their Gender Equality Unit or the Ethics Committee of the institution for advice and, if necessary, initiate the corresponding procedure. "You can also go directly to the State Prosecutor's Office to file a complaint, but sometimes it is better to have the support of the previous instances that involve a prior investigation and determination of whether there was workplace violence or not," she added. What is workplace violence? She indicated that for this concept to be established, there must be deliberate use of physical force or power and it must occur systematically among coworkers and superiors. "It could be an isolated case and not be workplace violence, but it still requires a different approach," she pointed out. She mentioned that workplace violence, also known as "mobbing" - just as there is bullying in schools - can be of three types: horizontal when it occurs among colleagues at the same level; downward vertical when it is promoted by a superior towards subordinates, and also upward vertical when employees exercise it against their superiors. "In this last form," she expressed, "we have mainly registered cases of female workers towards their female bosses who criticize their way of dressing or grooming, for example." She invited everyone present to seek more advice on this issue since sometimes they don't even know how to complain and therefore, sometimes, even if there is workplace violence, they cannot proceed because it is not clear what it consists of. Complaints, she emphasized, can be filed not only by women but by any person regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, so as to protect every human being. How is workplace violence exerted? This can be present not only in actions such as intimate harassment or offensive expressions but also when a worker is ignored either by giving them unimportant tasks that do not match their abilities or when they are simply ignored and left idle throughout the workday. What can workplace violence cause? It can lead to stress, anxiety, depression, frustration, helplessness, insomnia, fatigue, self-esteem issues, radical changes in behavior, and isolation of those affected. How can workplace violence be sanctioned? Those who engage in this type of aggression can be administratively sanctioned, labor-wise (dismissals), or even criminally, and there will always be a rigorous investigation to prevent injustices or personal vendettas. Finally, she invited anyone who wants to report any type of workplace violence to contact the speaker at 9999 30 38 00 Ext. 13011 or write to the email After the talk, the participants and the speaker took a commemorative photo.

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