Mayor of Cultur in Chichén inn finds and returns an Iphone to its owner

Mérida, Yucatán, August 24, 2023. Again, our colleague, Maria Luz Alba Pech Dzul, who collaborates as mayor in the parador of Chichén Itzá, showed a gesture of honesty, since, when she worked in the bathrooms of the aforementioned site, she realized that someone left forgotten, neither more nor less than an Iphone cell phone.
As has happened in all cases, the worker placed him at the disposal of the administrative offices of Cultur, where he remained in shelter while the owner appeared.
Soon, the owner, who could only be identified as Laura S., from the interior of the country, came to ask if they had seen her cell phone and to her surprise, it was returned, with no further formalities than confirmation that she was the legitimate owner.
We are very pleased that these cases of honesty continue to occur that put Yucatan very high before the tourism of the World, Mexico and Yucatan. Congratulations!
Publicado por: Cultur
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