In the heart of Mérida, on the ground floor of the Governor´s Palace, the Gabriel Gahona shopping center, better known as Pasaje Picheta, can be
found. Since 1639, these corridors have circled the main plaza, where Mérida´s first City Hall and the public jail that functioned for 134 years
were installed. This passageway integrates tourism and community services with cultural heritage. Here you will find everything from handcrafts to money exchange. Don´t miss your chance to take pictures in the giant chair in the park and next to the numerous murals.
Mural painting of birds.
Painting (Temporarily closed)
Art Galey
Giant park chair
Commercial area
Historic Downtown Mérida City of Mérida, Yucatán
Monday to sunday
09:00 to 21:00 hours.
and attention
to visitors